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I have been blessed with a handful of quality BFFs (best friends forever) in my life. You know how it is with a true BFF, you may go years without seeing them, but when you are reconnected, it's like you were never apart. Well, after moving my son to Texas last week, I had the chance to reconnect with my BFF from Alaska, Lisa, in Missouri. Lisa and I met many years ago on our first day at work at the National Bank of Alaska. She was a transplant from Texas and I was a transplant from Michigan. We did everything together in Alaska. Some of the best memories of my life are during our time together in Alaska. (If you've ever thought of visiting Alaska, don't want until you retire. Go now!) We'd kept in touch over the years, but it had been nearly 25 years since I last saw her in person. Our reunion was so good for my heart and soul. Lisa has been blessed with an amazing family and has 8 beautiful grandchildren! I was able to visit with most of them and even got to catch up with her wonderful parents, who have done a tremendous job at modeling what true love and family are all about for their children and grandchildren. Here's a picture of my Alaskan BFF and I.

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